Event date 14 أكتوبر '24 - 17 أكتوبر '24
Event location Wuhan

Hubei Sheng,

Responsible organisation
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The 24th IAHR-APD Congress will be kicked off on October 14-17, 2024 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It is hosted by International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research Asia and Pacific Division (IAHR-APD), organized by Changjiang River Scientific Research Insititute (CRSRI) and Sichuan University (SCU), and jointly supported by GWP China Yangtze River Basin Water Partnership.

The theme of the Congress is "Water for a Changing Future"emphasizing the urgent need to improve water science and technology to respond to a rapidly changing world and collaborate towards a sustainable future.

Eight (8) sub-themes focusing on:
1) Water-related hazard and risk reduction
2) Integrated water resources management
3) Eco-hydraulics and environment
4) Water-energy-food nexus and sustainable economic development
5) Climate change: adaptation, mitigation and resilience
6) Smart water
7) Sediment regulation and management
8) Estuarine and coastal engineering.

Under the thematic framework, it provides stakeholders a platform to discuss and exchange experiences, and share innovations and academic outcomes in water-related science and technology.