Event date 27 أغسطس '24 14:30 - 15:30 (UTC)
Event location Location: Room 26, Level 2, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre


Responsible organisation


The Hydro Extreme Game highlights the complexity of taking consensual decisions towards integrated disaster management. Players will attempt to come up with the best mix of water management solutions to manage both droughts and floods based on tools of the UNCCD Drought Toolbox, APFM, IDMP, and the IWRM Toolbox.

Session Description

Participants will be playing the Hydro Extreme Serious Game in this workshop, a board game that was developed to highlight the various trade-offs and the challenge of pursuing collaborative integrated disaster management. Players will be grouped in teams of 4-5, each team represents a village assembly. Each team starts the game with 10 houses and a number of coins. Each round, the village assembly can use the coins to purchase “water management cards”, which represent different solutions that can protect the village against future droughts or floods. These water management cards are derived from technical and policy solutions presented in tools of the UNCCD Drought Toolbox, the APFM Tools Series, and the IWRM Toolbox. After decisions have been made a roulette of disasters will be rolled indicating whether a drought, flood, or both happened that year. Another dice will be rolled to determine the impact of that disaster. Villages will be losing houses on whether their management cards offer enough cumulative protection against the disaster that hit and its strength. The game consists of 5 rounds, after which the points are counted based on the number of houses and coins left.


Associated Programme on Flood Management
DHI Group
Global Water Partnership
Integrated Drought Management Programme
International Water Management Institute
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
World Meteorological Organization