Sandra Megens

Sandra Megens, 2024

This year's Drought was far from a simple glimpse into the challenges faced by communities in the Amazon.

- What have we been overlooking? -

The Amazon rainforest faced an unprecedented year in 2024, grappling with extreme drought, rampant wildfires, and accelerating deforestation. "Same bussiness to my country Ecuador." These interlinked crises, driven by a warming climate, marked the worst wildfire season since 2005. Authorities suspect many fires were intentionally set to clear land for cattle ranching, compounding deforestation and threatening this critical counterbalance to global climate change. BUT WE WERE THERE...!

The 2024 UNCCD/CLP/LAC marked a groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind initiative, bringing together stakeholders from across Latin America and the Caribbean. This unique approach provided a platform for informed collaboration, fostering dialogue and knowledge-sharing to address the pressing challenges facing the region’s ecosystems.

See here the whole article: over: Drought, Fires, and Deforestation in 2024…

A year of highs and lows, challenges, and growth—2024 brought it all, and I was part of it. Here’s to a hopeful 2025, where together or apart, we continue working toward the same goals.
