Event date 3 Mar '25 - 26 Mar '25
Event location Pacific Islands
Responsible organisation
Responsible Organisation(s)

Sandra Megens, My Journey through Drought

Learning from Dry Lands, Protecting Islands Futures: A Call for Climate Collaboration

Why Smalls Islands and Drought

The issue of #drought in small island states is a critical concern both from the perspective of the UNCDD, which emphasizes climate resilience and adaptation, and from my research interest, which focuses on understanding local responses and strategies for Drought management, and community resilience, in the face of extreme events.

About this (Pilot) Program 

The Climate Action Accelerator Program (CAAP) is an initiative inspired by the Pacific’s rich legacy of navigation. Drawing from the ancestral wisdom of Pacific Navigators—who mastered the stars, winds, and currents to chart their way across vast oceans—this program equips Pacific youth to chart their course in climate action. 

This hybrid program features virtual and in-person activities, allowing participants to connect with regional experts, engage in group work, and develop meaningful climate solutions. Beyond individual growth, the program will establish the PICAN Knowledge Hub—a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration to support Pacific SIDS [ Small Island Developing States (SIDS)] negotiators, policymakers, and climate advocates.



