Event date 10 Dec '24 09:00 - 11:00 (UTC)
Event location COP16  Green Zone, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Responsible organisation

Join us for an interactive session on building resilience to hydro-extremes where we will be playing a serious game. The Hydro Extreme Game highlights the complexity of taking consensual decisions towards integrated disaster management. Players will attempt to come up with the best mix of water and land management solutions to manage both droughts and floods based on tools of the UNCCD Drought Toolbox, the APFM Tools Series, and the IWRM Toolbox.

Session details
To start the session, we will have four brief presentations from UNCCD, GWP, and WMO. They will share insights on practical measures to combat hydro-extremes through an integrated disaster management approach, including Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems, land degradation neutrality strategies, innovative water storage and small water retention techniques.

Next, participants will engage in the Hydro Extreme Serious Game, an interactive activity that explores the trade-offs and challenges of collaborative disaster management. Teams of 4-5 will represent village assemblies, each starting with 10 houses and a set number of coins. Each round, teams use coins to purchase "water management cards"—solutions based on tools from the UNCCD Drought Toolbox, APFM Tools Series, and IWRM Toolbox—to protect against droughts or floods. A roulette determines the disaster type and a dice its severity. Villages lose houses if their cards don’t provide enough protection. After five rounds, points are tallied based on remaining houses and coins.

Hwirin Kim, Head of Hydrological and Water Resources Services Division (HWR), WMO
Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque,
IWRM and Knowledge Management Specialist, GWP
Suyu Liu, Associate Programme Officer, UNCCD
Valentin Aich, Senior Water and Climate Specialist, GWP/WMO
