Event date 22 Apr '24 - 24 Apr '24
Event location


The workshop will be an integral part of the celebration of global observance of the 30th anniversary of UNCCD and the Desertification and Drought Day (17 June) as well as other international environmental days, such as International Day of Forests (21 March), World Water Day (22 March), World Meteorological Day (23 March) and International Earth Day (22 April). The main focus of the event is to raise awareness and promote LDN, strengthen the countries’ capacities in combating land degradation and drought through sharing knowledge and best practices on land-related issues and sustainable drought and land management.

It is envisaged that a technical brief / informative document on land-based interventions for drought management with case studies and best practices from countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Northern Mediterranean and Central Asia regions, which will be produced on the basis of the results of the workshop and active contribution of all participants.

In the framework of the meeting, we will see the kickoff of an intraregional (CEE&NM) online platform of Communities of learning and practice (CLP) as part of the existing global CLP
