Suyu Liu
in community Global Community

UNCCD is recruiting a Programme Management Officer in its STI unit. The deadline is 10 March 2024.

Under the overall supervision of the Chief of the STI Unit and the direct supervision of the Chief Scientist, the incumbent will be responsible for the following duties: 1. Contributes to enhance the science- policy interface of STI Unit by ensuring science foundation for policy and advocacy activities developed by different units of the secretariat, increasing coordination with other Units of the secretariat particularly with Global Policy Advocacy and Regional Cooperation (GPARC), in policy and advocacy related matters, with Communications, External Relations and Partnerships (CERP) in communications for policy makers. 2. Responds to the policy decisions of the UNCCD Conference of Parties (COP) as they relate to science and technology issues in the field of desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD), with the aim of ensuring that implementation, planning and future policy development is underpinned with a solid scientific foundation. This involves work in the following areas: a. Providing substantive and administrative support to the CST and its Bureau in the preparation of CST sessions and related official documents, supporting intergovernmental negotiations, coordinating the organization of meetings of the CST Bureau and preparing related documentation (i.e., briefing and information notes, agenda, presentations, meeting reports). b. Administratively supporting the work of the STI, the SPI and technical partners through the organization of in-person meetings and teleconferences, and preparing related documentation (i.e., briefing and information notes, agenda, presentations, meeting reports). c. Substantively supporting the work of the STI, the SPI and technical partners by collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, interpreting scientific findings as well as quantitative and qualitative information pertaining to the nexus between land, water, climate, nature and people, particularly where these intersect with issues related to the strategic objectives of the UNCCD, as defined in the UNCCD Strategic Framework and the SPI Work Programme. d. Coordinating, in support of the STI, the SPI and technical partners, the production of various scientific and technical written outputs, (e.g., scientific writing, editing and peer review). e. Coordinating the quality assurance provided by the STI and the SPI for the Global Land Outlook and related thematic reports. f. Coordinating the publication and dissemination of secretariat and SPI science deliverables (i.e., technical reports, science-policy briefs and related communications products). 3. Coordinates science partnerships, as assigned, with other intergovernmental panels and bodies working on topics relevant to future UNCCD policy development, including: a. Intergovernmental Science–Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (IPBES) b. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) c. Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) d. International Resources Panel (IRP) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) e. Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII) of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), f. The Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP), a joint initiative of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) g. United Nations University (UNU) h. Other scientific institutions 4. Cooperates and interfaces with Parties and technical partners in their desire to engage regional science and technology platforms that have the potential to respond to their needs through the Convention’s Regional Implementation Annexes, and through the SPI, for the provision of scientific advice on DLDD. This would involve work in the following areas, among others: a. Facilitating partnership development of the UNCCD with relevant regional science and technology platforms with the regional Implementation Annexes, leveraging upon South-South cooperation; b. Supporting the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD in its efforts to assist country Parties to mobilize resources for the implementation of the Convention; c. Supporting the Asia Regional Liaison office with the host country (China) with policy advice and in its participation in UNCCD organized events, meetings, projects, and initiatives, including other UN meetings and negotiations relevant to UNCCD. d. Supporting the preparation of relevant donor proposals as well as annual progress/activity reports within the South-South cooperation. 5. Provides support to the secretariat and the Global Mechanism, helping ensure that there is solid evidence foundation underpinning reports, guidance documents and communications to be achieved through: a. Reviewing, analyzing, and synthesizing existing scientific information on relevant and emergent topics such as, among others: desertification/land degradation and drought, land degradation neutrality, sustainable land management, ecosystem restoration, and ecosystem-based approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation. b. Contributing to the preparation of various written outputs, e.g., draft background papers, analytical notes, sections of reports and studies, inputs to publications, and communication products by ensuring the evidence base is robust. c. Designing and coordinating scientific review processes, as appropriate, for UNCCD written output. d. Supporting the representation of the UNCCD at external meetings, conferences, and other events by preparing briefing notes and presentations. 6. Performs any other job-related activities required to achieve the goals and objectives of the team, the Unit, the Programme and the secretariat.