📸 Capture the solutions that inspire change!
The UNCCD and GWP have launched a global photo competition at UNCCD COP 16 in December 2024 in Riyadh to highlight powerful solutions to drought and water scarcity.
From nature-based solutions to technological innovations, we’re looking for impactful images that showcase how communities and ecosystems build resilience to drought.
🏆 Finalists will have their work exhibited at UNCCD Headquarters in Bonn during the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought on June 17, 2025.
💰 Winners in each category will receive a $500 gift card from the International Center of Photography or Fotografiska Museum.
⏳ Don’t miss the submission deadline: March 31, 2025!
📢 Winners will be announced in May 2025.
🔗 Submit your entry today and let your photos inspire action! https://droughtclp.unccd.int/photo-competition
Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque created a new resource in Africa Community.
Yelysaveta Demydenko posted in Africa Community
há 1 month atrás Público -
Kamal AIT-MESSAOUD posted in Africa Community
há 3 months atrás PúblicoBonjour la communauté, je souhaiterais vous présenter une technologie brevetée pour une économie d'eau d'irrigation AGROBIOTEK-INGENIERIE se consacre au développement de fertilisants et de supports de culture respectueux de l’environnement, conçus pour optimiser la consommation d’eau et répondre aux besoins spécifiques des agriculteurs, notamment dans les régions arides et semi-arides.
Notre produit phare, le GELVITER, est un hydro-rétenteur gélifié curatif innovant, élaboré à partir d’eau, d’intrants spécifiques, et de charbon végétal. Il se distingue par deux objectifs principaux :
Réduction de la consommation d’eau : GELVITER permet une gestion optimisée des ressources hydriques, tout en améliorant significativement la productivité agricole.
Amendement des sols : Sa composition entièrement biodégradable contribue à la restauration et à l’enrichissement des sols.Dans une démarche de développement local, AGROBIOTEK-INGENIERIE travaille main dans la main avec les parties prenantes locales pour adapter ses solutions aux besoins spécifiques des territoires. En complément, nous offrons un accompagnement technique personnalisé pour garantir le succès de nos utilisateurs.
Notre mission dépasse la simple productivité agricole : nous cherchons à apporter une réponse durable à la crise alimentaire, à favoriser la sédentarisation des populations, et à réduire les migrations massives dues à des conditions de vie difficiles.
Avec GELVITER, AGROBIOTEK-INGENIERIE s’engage pour une agriculture résiliente et un avenir plus durable.
Mario Lambán posted in Africa Community
há 3 months atrás PúblicoCheck out the first episode of the UNCCCD CLPs Interview Series featuring Bongani Masuku , Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture of Eswatini!
Suyu Liu posted in Africa Community
há 3 months atrás PúblicoWhat value does water have to Tanzania’s economy?
Original source is GWP, web link here: https://www.gwp.org/en/About/more/news/2024/what-value-does-water-have-…
Have you ever wondered about the economic value of water to a country? The Ministry of Water of Tanzania, the Wami Ruvu Basin Water Board and GWP, with support from the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme, have provided a preliminary answer to that question for Tanzania: 3.31%, in just three sectors.
The results of this detailed analysis were launched at a high-level hybrid event on 31 October 2024, connecting dozens of interested stakeholders in the Ministry of Water, in Dodoma, with many more online participants.Held upon invitation from the Minister of Water of Tanzania, H.E. Jumaa Hamidu Aweso, and moderated by GWP’s CEO and Executive Secretary, Alan AtKisson, the event brought together panellists from the Ministry of Water, the Development Partners Group on WASH, FAO’s regional office for Africa, the Secretariat of the African Union Continental Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP) and the Valuing Water Initiative, to delve into the findings of the report.
Covering the value of water for three important sectors for Tanzania’s economy, namely agriculture, manufacturing and mining, the publication makes a strong case for why water is undervalued in financial terms compared to the significant economic value it brings to the country. Indeed, Dr George Lugomela, Director for Water Resources at the Ministry of Water, stated that this report is part of Tanzania’s efforts to introduce better water pricing mechanisms that reflect the true value of water, and hoped that the study could ultimately lead to better water financing models.
Shamiso Kumbirai, of GWP Southern Africa, and the Secretariat of the AIP, noted that Tanzania has been a leader in the continent on this topic, which is aligned with the findings of the International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa, which is aiming to raise at least US$30 billion per year by 2030 to reach the water-related SDGs at the continental level. She highlighted that the economic value at risk from not investing in water normally dwarfs the actual budgetary allocation for water, highlighting that the value at risk is often not quantified.
In his closing remarks, Joakim Harlin, representing the United Nations Environment Programme, congratulated Tanzania on its efforts to put an economic value on water, but also encouraged stakeholders to look beyond the economic value of water, considering the different values that water brings to stakeholders, including for freshwater ecosystems, who are a stakeholder often without a voice. He stated the support of UNEP and of the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme to Tanzania for the next steps in this journey, and to other countries interested in replicating this experience.
Kamal AIT-MESSAOUD posted in Africa Community
há 3 months atrás PúblicoAGROBIOTEK-INGENIERIE will be present at COP 16 in the green zone to present its innovative technologies for drought control and restoration of desert lands. We will also share our projects in Africa, aimed at building food and energy self-sufficiency in the most remote villages.
Isaac GOKE posted in Africa Community
há 4 months atrás PúblicoBonjour à tous dans cette belle communauté, je suis très content de me retrouver parmis vous.
Nous sommes tous convaincus que ""c'est l'Union qui fait la Force'", oeuvrons donc ensemble pour un avenir durable des terres et pour relever les défis liés aux impacts de la sécheresse! -
Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque created a new resource in Africa Community.
Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque created a new resource in Africa Community.
Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque created a new resource in Africa Community.