Event date 30 Jan '24 15:30 - 16:45 (UTC)
Responsible organisation
This event showcases various drought management initiatives across Latin America and the Caribbean. It brings together experts, policy makers, and scientists who will share how droughts impact and manifest themselves in their respective countries and localities.

he webinar is also an opportunity for cross pollination and exchange of ideas on how to take proactive and inclusive drought management action. Initiatives that will be presented touch upon a variety of topics including forecasting and early warning, community-based drought mitigation and response, as well as data and information systems for drought management.  

There will be 4 initiatives presented representing different sub-regions within Latin America and the Caribbean. Each speaker will have a 5-minute elevator pitch, followed by 20 minutes where participants will be able to join an interactive breakout discussion.


  • Andrea Meza Murillo, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNCCD
  • Edgar Guitierrez, Advisor UNCCD, Former Minister of the Environment, Costa Rica
  • Dr Felipe Montoya Greenheck, Professor York University, Moderator UNCCD CLP-LAC
  • Waldo Lavado, Deputy Director of Hydrological Studies and Research (SEH) in SENAMHI- Peru  
  • Elizabeth Riley, Executive Director of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency  
  • Sandra Megens, Environmental water advisor, Ph.D. candidate on drought & disaster-risk-governance, Wageningen University 
  • César de las Casas, Former Executive Director of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO/OTCA).  

This webinar will also mark the official launch of the UNCCD Community of Learning and Practice in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC CLP). More information about the LAC CLP can be found here: Community of Learning and Practice on Drought Management