Event date 3 Jul '24 - 5 Jul '24
Event location Belgrade, Serbia


Responsible organisation

The RECONECT project team led by Zoran Vojinovic, IHE Delft Associate Professor of Urban Water Systems is organising the upcoming International Conference on Nature-Based Solutions for Water Security and Climate Adaptation. This conference aims to bring together academic communities and practitioners to exchange information, experiences and research results on a variety of aspects concerning Nature-Based Solutions for Water Security and Climate Adaptation.

There is growing evidence that traditional interventions for the reduction of hydro-meteorological risks (e.g., floods, droughts, heatwaves, storms, coastal storm surges, tropical cyclones, landslides, wildfires) have focused on grey infrastructure measures which are often limited in their approach and effects. A new response towards disaster risk reduction, water security, and resilience to climate change, which has a potential to be more effective and sustainable than traditional measures, is currently passing under the name of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). 

IHE Delft will be represented by a team led by Zoran Vojinovic, would you like to take part? Submit your abstract below! 

For more information and the latest updates, please visit the conference website