Sandra Megens

Why small Islands need different attention to #drought and #desertification?

Because SIDS, or small island developing states, are especially vulnerable to ocean and climate risks such as sea level rise, high sea levels, tropical cyclones, marine heatwaves, and ocean acidification.

The implications of climate change on small island countries typically exclude the impact of #drought and #desertification. Nevertheless, human activities contributing to desertification include the growth and extensive use of agricultural lands, poor irrigation practices, deforestation, and overgrazing.

Here are some interesting readings, which will help us stay informed about this region. islands

.Climate action and policy on small islands

Leal Filho, W., Luetz, J.M., Nunn, P.D. et al. Effective domestic climate policies to protect small island states. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 660–661 (2024).
