IWRM Survey is an online survey tool based on the official country survey used for the global monitoring of SDG indicator 6.5.1. The Survey consists of 33 questions divided into the four IWRM dimensions (Enabling Environment, Institutions & Participation, Management Instruments, and Financing). The tool is available in seven languages, namely Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. The IWRM Survey tool is also a way for users to gain further in-depth information and test their understanding of the key challenges of IWRM implementation in their country. After completing the survey, the user will be offered tailor-made content recommendations from the Tools, Resource Library and Case Studies, inviting users to view material that is relevant to their particular IWRM challenges. Users are also able to view how their self-assessment results compare to those of the latest round of SDG indicator 6.5.1 monitoring.
إنجليزية | أسبانية | فرنسية | Arabic | Portuguese | Russian | Chinese