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Suyu Liu created new community content in Central and Eastern Europe Community
Suyu Liu posted in Central and Eastern Europe Community
5 months ago Public -
Suyu Liu created new community content in Central and Eastern Europe Community
Suyu Liu created new community content in Central and Eastern Europe Community
Suyu Liu posted in Central and Eastern Europe Community
6 months ago Publichttps://droughtclp.unccd.int/node/3459
This is the recording for a recent webinar on drought management in Asia. In particular, Ms. Ludmilla Kiktenko, Advisor of CAREC, presented her insights from Central Asia on the formulation and execution of the "Regional Strategy for Drought Risk Management and Mitigation in Central Asia for 2021–2030". -
Sandra Megens created new community content in Central and Eastern Europe Community
6 months ago Public
A report from the European Environment Agency on ‘Responding to climate change impacts on human health in Europe: focus on floods, droughts and water quality’ has been released today. As said in its title, it focuses, among others, on the impact of drought on human health (pathogens, parasites, infections etc.).
It also states that “In southern Europe, approximately 30% of the population live in areas with permanent water stress and up to 70% in areas with seasonal water stress during summer. Under the changing climate, the number of people living in water-scarce conditions in southern and central Europe will increase”.
The report can be accessed here: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/responding-to-climate-change-imp…
And associated press release here: https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/newsroom/news/climate-health-risks-posed-b… -
Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque created an event in Central and Eastern Europe Community
Nadia Dementieva created new community content in Central and Eastern Europe Community
Gergana Majercakova created a new resource in Central and Eastern Europe Community.