Daniel Roures

Daniel Roures

Chief of Service, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica ...
Rifat Ünal Sayman

Rifat Ünal Sayman

Chairman, REC
Milan Sipka

Milan Sipka

Resercher and lecturer, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of agr...
Nikolina Stjepanović

Nikolina Stjepanović

Expert associate, Association for nature and environment p...
Mario Tester

Mario Tester

Tester, GWP
Andrea Toreti

Andrea Toreti

Dr., European Commission Joint Research Centr...
Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque

Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque

IWRM and Knowledge Management Specialist, GWP
Daniel Tsegai

Daniel Tsegai

Policy Officer, UNCCD
Paul Villegas

Paul Villegas

Professor of Law & Legal Consultant, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru P...
Alessia Anita Violetti

Alessia Anita Violetti

Intern, UNCCD
Alkisti Vitsa

Alkisti Vitsa

Christopher Wood

Christopher Wood

Head of Communications, Hermes Agricultural Coop